The best way to motivate an audience member to take a particular action identified in a communication is to explain him/her how he/she will benefit.The audience member should understand how taking the desired action will benefit them. This way you can persuade audience members to perform a particular action.
It should cost around $140 million.
- When Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum married Hind Bint bin Maktoum in 1979, a 20,000-seat stadium was built to accommodate all their invitees.
- The celebration organized on that occasion presented famous acrobats from Dubai, performances with horses and camels, and Sheikh actually rode to a nearby village on horseback and distributed food to its inhabitants.
- Extravagance and luxury are no stranger to this celebration, as both the bride and groom are part of the royal family of Dubai.
- The cost of this wedding when it all came together was $ 137 million.
- This is the most expensive wedding ever so far.
Martin Luther (1483-1546) was born Eislben,Saxony,(Now Germany)part of the holy Roman Empire, to parents
An entry to reinstate the account receivable and an entry to record payment
When an account previously written off is later collected, two journal entries are required. The first journal entry is to REINSTATE the account, and the second journal entry is to record ENTRY of payment.