Depression is a stronger way of recession. It is an expanded recession that can last for years, where economy crashes. Unemployment goes high, real estate goes down.
Depression can last for years and it can cause many side effects. One of them was The Great Depression that happened in 1929 and devastated the US economy.
The capability of the join force is described as the magnitude of influence that the joint force can do after combining all of their resources and experience. Usually this capability will be far greater compared to if they are stand alone as their own unit.
For example.
The Navy has deep expertise in operating within water terrain.
The Air force has the expertise in operating within the sky terrain.
When the Air Force joining the navy in a certain operation, the navy now has more ways to win against the enemies since they can leverage on air attacks provided from the Air force.
The languages spoken in the Caribbean are mostly either European langauges (which shows that those areas were conquered by Europeans) or European-based creoles (which shows that the conquest was more "messy" than in the US: there was less strict connection with the European countries and more mixing among peoples).
Indigenous languages are no longer spoken(or by very few people), which shows the fate of the indigenous people there...
In an airship
hope this helps.