Part a)

Part b)

Part d)
As we know that due to induction of charge there will be same charge appear on the inner and outer surface of the cylinder but the sign of the charge must be different
On the inner side of the cylinder there will be negative charge induce on the inner surface and on the outer surface of the cylinder there will be same magnitude charge with positive sign.
Part a)
By Guass law we know that

Part b)
Outside the outer cylinder we will again use Guass law

Part d)
As we know that due to induction of charge there will be same charge appear on the inner and outer surface of the cylinder but the sign of the charge must be different
On the inner side of the cylinder there will be negative charge induce on the inner surface and on the outer surface of the cylinder there will be same magnitude charge with positive sign.
The increase in gravitational potential energy is the same in both cases
It is easier to climb a mountain in a zigzag way rather than climbing on a straight line but since the distance is the same ( vertical height ) , mass and gravity is the same. Hence the increase in gravitational potential energy is the same in both cases.
gravitational potential energy = mgh ( same in both cases )
m = mass
g = acceleration due to gravity
h = distance ( vertical height )
Corpus callosum
The corpus callosum is the tissue in the brain that helps in the connection between the right and left cerebral hemisphere.
The corpus callosum consists of about 200 million axons of thick nerve cells which helps in combining sensory and cognitive signals between the two hemispheres.
Almost everyone is born with this tissue because an absence of deficiency of it results in serious neurological problems such as difficulty in learning and other cognitive related diseases.
applied forces would be push for example.
normal forces would seem to be a force such as gravity.
friction for example when you try to slide on carpet but the fabric or whatever its made of stops you.