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View Base tables: Virtual table based on a SELECT query
CREATE VIEW statement: Data definition command that stores the query specification in the data dictionary
DROP VIEW statement: Data definition command that removes the query specification in the data dictionary
Views are virtual tables, which can be created by select queries using the real database tables.
Creating and dropping views can be done by the CREATE VIEW and DROP VIEW statements.
<u>CREATE VIEW syntax:</u>
CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
<u>DROP VIEW syntax:</u>
DROP VIEW view_name;
For the given program, how many print statements will execute?
public static void printShippingCharge(double weight) { if((weight > 0.0) && (weight <= 10.0)){ System.out.println(weight * 0.75); }
else if((weight > 10.0) && (weight <= 15.0)) { System.out.println(weight * 0.85); }
else if((weight > 15.0) && (weight <= 20.0)) { System.out.println(weight * 0.95); } }
public static void main(String args[]) {
printShippingCharge(25); }
Two of the print statements will output values
These two calls to the printShippingCharge are the ones that will output values: printShippingCharge(18); and printShippingCharge(6);
The first if statement is true when the value of weight is 6 (weight > 0.0) && (weight <= 10.0)
The Third if statement is true when weight is 18 (weight > 15.0) && (weight <= 20.0)
NOTE: That I made correction to the variable weight. The question isn't consistent with the variable name. It used weight and itemWeight at different points this will lead to a compiller error