A. "I would like to know why you came home late without calling me."
Statement A, "I would like to know why you came home late without calling me.", is the best example of an assertive communication technique that expresses the concerns of the client in an honest and straightforward way without sounding rude, aggressive or jumping into conclusion quickly. In this way, the right of the other person would be respected while the client expresses his. The rest statements given as examples contain words that suggest aggression, such as “hate”, “angry”.
It helps your health in many ways but one of the greater aspects, is it allows your blood to flow faster making your heart not have to a work as much. Your resting heart rate can help you determine how fit you are. If you have a low resting heart rate it means you are healthier, and your heart is more powerful. Because it doesn’t need to pump as many times to get your blood flowing