Skin serves as a protective barrier, a way to sense the world, and a layer that keeps nutrients and water inside the body.
Air Pressure
Air pressure is the only option here related to weight. And Air Pressure does get lower the higher the airplane goes.
answer is allelic frequency. This is also the fraction
of a particular allele of a gene in the population. Allelic
frequency in a population of diploid individuals is calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation
of p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. Allelic frequency of all the alleles of the genes must add up to 1 (one).</span>
If your car is changing speed by accelerating or decelerating, or changing directions by turning or hitting a bump, your body can sense these accelerations. You might be pressed against the back of your seat while speeding up or against the car door as you turn for example. If you are cruising at a constant speed, with no changes in speed or direction, you wouldn't be able to feel it. You would need to use your other senses. You could see the scenery going by through the windows, with closer objects moving by more quickly than objects in the distance. You could also hear sounds like the wind rushing by and the hum of the tires rolling on the highway.