Multiple inheritance causes Diamond problem which happens when:
Class A is parent of class B and C
Now when class D will be inherited from both Class B and C it will have all the members of class A and B which if same will confuse the compiler to import which one?
C++ solves it by using virtual keyword with them and thus telling the compiler which one to inherit.
Java has introduced the interface concept rather then allowing multiple inheritance.
Relationship vs N-ary Relationship
It is not part of the design choice in ER model because N-ary reflects an indefinite form or better still creates an identifying attribute in an ER relationship. Example is the process of creating an auto-generated ID value
Linux is an open source operating system which receives command from the user and communicates with the hardware, and in Linux the root directory is the top level directory that contains all other directory, it is not recommended to create files and folders in the root directory because the commands the user enters may change files that the operation system may depend on for usage.
Client server network as it has a powerful server which provides all the networks required on the network. Files are usually backed up regularly.