The Correct Statement is the Second Statement. Effective speaker look consider the nature and the needs of audience and then decide the type of visual aid.
Multimedia slides are extremely useful, and often helps in various ways to deliver your message. There is no doubt in it.
However, you can't say multimedia slides are the "one best way" to present.
In certain cases, depending on the audience, you might not need and multimedia slide at all!
Maybe you'll just have to use your body language, act out a drama or even sing a song to convey the message to the audience.
And apart from that, it the times of technical failures, where you cannot use the computer or any electrical devices, you'll have to use traditional methods too.
Moreover, if the audience is not "tech-savvy" and are more of a traditional nature, then traditional or pen and paper based methods might just work out!
Answer: Functional
Explanation: The functional structure of an organisational chart places people with similar skills who perform similar activities in a group under a common manager who answers to an executive a level up in the hierarchy who may oversee multiple departments. Therefore, an organizational chart of a company showing vice presidents with responsibility for key areas such as design, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and after-sales support would reflect a functional structure.
An advantage of the functional structure is that employees are allowed to focus their collective energies on executing their roles as a department but sometimes they might develop tunnel vision (seeing the company solely through the lens of the employee’s job function) and often at times there is a lack of inter-departmental communication.
A CBA , used to justify the project is typically prepared in the analysis phase of the secsdlc, must be reviewed and verified prior to the development of the project plan.
A project plan is a collection of official documents outlining the project's execution and control phases. In addition to addressing scope, cost, and schedule baselines, the plan takes risk management, resource management, and communications into account.
A project plan is a document that outlines each step needed to complete a project from A to B. It is sometimes portrayed as a Gantt chart. It acts as a roadmap by outlining the project phases, important project tasks, their start and end dates, interdependencies, and project milestones.
Learn more about project plan here
Based on Family attribution rules the rules often requires that the family attribution should occur between parents, their children and grandchildren, regardless of their age.
But based on the information given in which Panda Company is owned equally by Min, her husband, Bin, her sister Xiao, and her grandson, Han in which each of them hold 100 shares in the company which means Under the family attribution rules we would excludes Min sister Xiao from the shares.
Hence, the shares of Panda stock that Min is deemed to own will be:
Min +husband Bin + her grandson Han =3 individual
100 shares ×3=300 shares
Therefore Under the family attribution rules, 300 shares of Panda stock is what Min is deemed to own