The like charges of water molecules will repel each other
The answer is C, because it has a negative charge -1. All groups with charges called ions, unless they are organic compounds.
a transform fault boundary is formed.
Lipid insoluble hormones/Peptide hormones
Hormones produce their effect by binding to speific receptor. These receptors may be intracellular or membranal.
Membrane receptors;
The lipid insoluble hormones cannot cross the plasma membrane thus their receptors are found on plasma membrane. These are usually peptide hormones.
Examples; Insulin.
Intracellular receptors;
The lipid soluble hormones can cross the plasma membrane thus their receptors are found in cytoplasm. These are usually steroidal hormones.
Example; Testosterone.
Percipitation helps plant growth because when the water falls, the plants suck the water up through the roots when the water seeps through the dirt that the plant is in, once the water is in the plant, it benefits the plant because without it, the plant will shrivil up and die
Hope this helps ;)