<span>The answer is "c. no, not if the dependence is a temporary condition rather than pervasive."
Dependent personality disorder is portrayed by an inescapable dread that prompts "sticking conduct" and as a rule shows itself by early adulthood. It incorporates a majority share of the accompanying manifestations: Has trouble settling on ordinary choices without an unreasonable measure of counsel and consolation from others.
Gestalt psychology is commonly known as "The whole is greater than the sum of its part". Gestalt Psychology pointed that we tend to enjoy things as rather than the individual effort given by the members. However, Structuralism was influenced by the earlier chemist that if we broke water, we can get an oxygen and hydrogen.Structuralism engages in a separation of a whole thing into smaller pieces to get the job done.The Correct Answer to the question is A. Structuralist
.a. True
<em>The theorists thought about the legitimate question on the potential recipents of organs contributing most to the good of the society is a good and true.</em>
<em>Imagine a situation where by someone that was jailed for robbery for 15years having 5 months to complete his or her sentence. The person was diagonised with kidney failure and needed kidney transplant which was successfully done</em>. It is a logical thing that, he or she should be of ggod behaviour when he comes out from the presion rather than going back to his old ways, committing more violent crimes and on an alchol drinking spree.
This actions of that person would definitely negates the aim of the donor of the organ when made aware that the recipent is far more a nusiance to the society than he was before the transplant was carried out.
The most concerning manifestation that the nurse should be
aware of or the physician should pay attention to the physiological changes in
the neonate is its heart rate. The heart rate that are higher compared to its
normal rate should be taken action of. An example of this is when the neonate
exhibiys a heart rate of eighty eight beats per minute, if it occurs, they
should take action immediately.
The livestock used up food resources needed for the public and the livestock can also be used as a way to feed the public. During the Great Depression, there was a lack of food for the general public due to the lack of jobs and most people required new ways to make money.
Hope this helps somewhat!