Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.
Vapor pressure is defined as the pressure that is in contact with its liquid or solid form.
Whereas boiling point is defined as the temperature at which vapor pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure.
When a substance has high boiling point then it means there will be less formation of vapors. Hence, it will have low vapor pressure.
For example, boiling point of water is 100 degree celsius and it is a high temperature. Therefore, vapor pressure of water is low.
This means that at 100 degree celsius or below 100 degree celsius water exists in liquid state.
Hence, it is able to allow large bodies of liquid to exist on Earth.
Whereas when water is present in solid state that is, ice then due to less density of ice it has the ability to float of liquid water.
Also, heat capacity of water is 4.18
which is also high.
Thus, we can conclude that low vapor pressure is the property of water allows large bodies of liquid water to exist on Earth.