C) find the wind speed and direction
3 francine
The four nitrogenous bases that compose DNA nucleotides are shown in bright colors: adenine (A, green), thymine (T, red), cytosine (C, orange), and guanine (G, blue). francine is not one of them
In gilled mushrooms, gills are used to maximize spore production. Gills of some mushrooms are folded and crowded to obtain maximum spore production. Other gills, spread towards the outer cap which gives way to new gill growth in between gills which is called partial gill. Some of the mushrooms grow gills in layers too.
They use a gene modification technique called CRIPSR-CAS9. The pigs have been given a gene that allows them to better regulate their own body temperature, whereby they burn fat, or at which animals consume their own fat.
British and Chinese scientists explained that they conducted the study by adding a mouse version of the UCP1 gene used for porcine embryos, which is used to regulate body temperature characteristic of most mammals, but not ordinary pigs.
It is problematic for pigs to maintain a stable body temperature, and this is especially complicated in pigs that are cold in the winter months because they have not been able to "store" fat.
Inserting the UCP2 gene could solve this problem.