What methods did some merchants in the English colonies probably use to get around the Sugar Act, the Currency Act, and the Stamp Act? Merchants in the colonies may have smuggled or hidden their goods, falsified their tax documents, bartered (traded) for goods, or tried to use illegal colonial money.
can i have brainlist please
natural rights are guaranteed to all people. regardless to their place in.
Civil rights activist Medgar Evers was the first state field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi.
he organized voter-registration efforts and economic boycotts, and investigated crimes perpetrated against blacks.
Ok, so obviously, you can tell that A. is not even an answer since his name is Prince Henry which is an English name and the Islamic empire never really reached what is now present-day U.K...B. and D. are wrong because Catholicism was in Spain and the Pope was also in Spain. So your only correct answer is C.