The need to raise money to maintain expensive political campaigns
In general both the media and society in general portray men as successful and women as housewives, obviously the change to this is radical and has been happening, but in any case, when women work and have children they are portrayed as people who do not have time to pay attention to their children, when this is the same for men but is not reported in the same way. A great example of this is politics and as the vast majority of these spaces are occupied by men, just as company CEO's are mostly men, and when they are women who hold the same position, they earn less.
Men have always had a place in society different from women who fought and fight every day for these spaces.
Since he never had an accident during the period, the premiums he paid were Expired
When you buy a premium from an insurance company, they will give you some sets of clauses which gives the condition within a specified period of time for the insurance to be paid.
If the none of the clauses were met during the period, your premium will expire , unless you renew it with your insurance company
The 13th amendment banded slavery.