Accidents are unfortunate events that happened unintentionally, risky behaviors are those in which there is always chance to get caught in the accidents. For example an accident between a car and bike is always unexpected and can cause minor to major injury to the person involving it.
Further Explanation:
Definition of accident:
The word accident is not a technical legal term with a clearly defined meaning. Speaking generally, but with reference to legal liabilities, an accident means any unintended and unexpected occurrence which produces hurt or loss.
Types of accident:
• Car Accident.
• Child Accident.
• Cyclist Accident.
• Dental Negligence.
• Fatal Accident.
• Holiday Accident.
• Lifting and Handling Accident.
• Medical Negligence.
Definition of risky behavior:
Risky behavior or risk-taking behavior is defined according to Trimpop (1994) as “any consciously, or non-consciously controlled behavior with a perceived uncertainty about its outcome, and/or about its possible benefits, or costs for the physical, economic or psycho-social well-being of oneself or others.”
The Top Six Risk Behaviors:
• Behaviors that Contribute to Unintentional Injuries and Violence. ...
• Sexual Behaviors That Lead to Unwanted Pregnancies or Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
• Alcohol or Drug Use.
• Tobacco Use.
• Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors.
• Inadequate Physical Activity.
Subject: Health
Level: High School
Keywords: Definition of accident, Types of accident, Definition of risky behavior, TheTop Six Risk Behaviors.
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