The new deal were a number of different reforms that were conducted under President Roosevelt between 1933-1939. The programs just ended before World War II began and were designed to help recover from the great Depression of the late 1920s.
Like any government reforms, there were both supporters and a vocal opposition.
<em>Argument 1 in favour:</em> The Great Depression had the greatest impact on the working class and the poor. Radical programs were needed to ensure the economy can grow, more jobs can be created and basic social needs met.
<em>Argument 2 in favour: </em>It is the responsibility of the government to ensure the poorest in the society do not suffer. Thanks to the reforms, the American economy rebounded and when the second war started,America was probably the most industrialised country in the world.
<em>Argument 1 against:</em> The American economy is built on the foundations of capitalism, free market and minimum government intervention. The reforms might seem good for now, but they are changing the way American government works and in subsequent years, companies will always look to the government for a bailout.
<em>Argument 2 against: </em>We cannot trust the government to make rational decisions. Such reforms are similar to the ones seen in Soviet Union and can lead to mismanagement of epic proportions.
Deep time is the concept of geologic time. The philosophical concept of deep time was developed in the 18th century by Scottish geologist James Hutton (1726–1797); his "system of the habitable Earth" was a deistic mechanism keeping the world eternally suitable for humans.
Poor Infrastructure
Ghana's infrastructure has several problems. First, many of the infrastructure projects have a low completion rate. Second, the existing infrastructure suffers from poor quality. And third, there is weak institutional capacity to develop new infrastructure
The two characteristics of settlements that are mos closely linked to Walter Christaller's central place theory are (A) the size of a settlement and the services it can offer and (<span>b) the income per capita of a settlement and its cost of living.
Central Place theory refers to a geographical theory where in an urban system, the number size and location of human settlements matter in economy.
The bonus marchers were World War 1 veterans who gathered in Washington DC and demanded money for their service.
Hoover ordered the Army to clear the marcher's campsites. Bonus marchers, Children and, Women were driven out and the shelters and belongings were burned.