1.49/6 = 0.248 per oz
3.59/13 = 0.276 per oz
lowest price is A. 6 oz for 1.49
Absolute value is the distance from numbers on a number line. The absolute value of -7 is 7 b/c it is 7 units from 0. The absolute value of 5 is 5 b/c it is 5 units from 0.
A negative number is a number that is negative. On a horizontal number line negative numbers are to the left.
A positive number is a number that is positive. On a horizontal number line positive numbers are to the right.
I don't understand the last paragraph though. Hope this helped :D
Step-by-step explanation:
<span>They are each divisors of 6460.
Step-by-step explanation:
For every pound shipped, $0.40 is charged. This can be represented by the mathematical equation: y=0.4x, where x is the pounds to ship and y is the total cost. If we plug in 20 as x to find what the total cost would be, we would have the equation, y=0.4*20, and y would equal 8, meaning that the total cost is $8.00.
You just multiply them together