b. Particles called pangenes, which originate in each part of an organism's body, collect in the sperm or eggs and are passed on to the next generation.
Particles called pangenes, which originate in each part of an organism's body, collect in the sperm or eggs and are passed on to the next generation. The belief of Hippocrates states that "the semen was derived from the whole body." which means the whole body contributes the formation and creation of semen that is responsible for the fertilizing the female's egg with its sperm.
D All of the above
Like our bones, bones in fish can provide general protection and support to their body.
(Fun fact, jellyfish do not have bones, so when they are out of the water, they loses their bell shape structure and looks more like a flat piece of jelly. But fish tends to look the same when it is in water and out of water.)
The bone is also where the muscles will attach to, which allows for movement.
(Imagine our fingers, the muscles in our fingers are attached to our bones, which allows us to do things like typing.)
Bones can also protect the fish's brain.
(Brain can be very fragile and soft, so having a hard structure around it can protect the brain. It's kind of similar to protecting the liquid egg in an egg shell.)
I don't think we can answer this question just like that. The question should be formulated a bit differently:
WHAT is in danger from the effects of overfishing?
Well, in the end of the "effect-spectrum" we are in danger, since we also eat fish. But the most affected species are the ones that form the aquatic ecosystems. Such as fish. Examples:
1 - Many of the fish we eat, feed on sea-weed. If there aren't enough fish to eat the growing population of sea-weed, many fish die of intoxication.
2 - We don't have almost any fish restrictions in a way, because we can eat basically all of them. Therefore, many fish (which are also being eaten) find themselves in a lack of food.
3 - Many times, we concentrate on a specific species, which is a main cause of the extinction of species.
Hope it helped,
A pollutant is a substance or energy introduced into the environment that has undesired effects, or adversely affects the usefulness of a resource.