Select the time period of my adventures: I, William the Conqueror fought in Normandy.
- 14 octobre 1066
-Ice is perfect. Ah! (2)
cakes are beautiful,
(3). cookies are delicious and love it (4).
chocolates. Bah!
candies are original, but not very good. Open (Open) (6).
coffee on (8)
table smells very good. (9)
plant needs water.
table is not straight! Oh dear! Arrange (11) - chairs around
(around) (12)
three tables!
It is one of the exceptions of the french verbs so u need to learn it by heart! Here you go:
<em />
<em>1. J'aime regarder les films d'action.</em>
<em />
<em>2. Ce week-end j'ai été à la piscine.</em>
<em />
<em>3. J'aime manger des frites et j'aime boire du jus d'orange.</em>
<em />
<em>4. Ce soir je vais manger une pizza.</em>
<em />
<em>5. Je fais du tennis (or du football, or de la musculation.............)</em>
<span>they serve to differentiate <span>the kind.
<span>the masculine is used for boys, but for an object or another
Exemple : UN garçon (a boy)- UN chat (masculin) (a cat) -UN pays (country)- UN ballon (balloon)
feminine for girls :
Exemple : UNE fille(a girl) - UNE chatte- UNE ville (a city)- UNE balle (a ball)