The fever of unknown origin, or the FUO can be defined as the condition when the body temperature of a person is at 101 degree Fahrenheit for at least a period of the three weeks without any observable underlying cause. The most common causes of the FUO includes, infections (such as Lyme disease, tuberculosis), malignancy (such as leukemia), inflammation (such as inflammatory bowel disease), and alcohol or drug abuse.
The central portion of Earth is called the CORE
Homeostasis is defined as the state of body in which body maintains several chemical and physical changes inside the body affected by external factors.
Negative feedback loop includes a sensor, stimulus, control center, and effector which is used to control homeostasis.
A negative feedback loop is a reaction that reduce an excessive response and maintain the functions within the normal range. for example: if temperature and blood glucose level increases in the body, negative feedback loops control both the variables and maintain homeostasis.
Hence, negative feedback loops used to control body homeostasis.