the insertion on removal of mutations are dangerous in nature. the process is basically just one large gamble to see what it does. and even though we have a decent understanding of the genomes of many animals and plants, we still dont know everything. so if we tamper with certain genes we may cause a evolution or we might kill the subject and the potential for it to procreate.
Sucrose: glucose + fructose sucrose is a disaccharide made from glucose and fructose
glucose: C(sub 6)H(sub 12)O(sub6)fructose: C(sub 6)H(sub 12)O(sub6)sucrose: C(sub 12)H(sub 22)O(sub 11)a water molecule, H(sub 2)O gets removed which is why there are 2 less hydrogens and one less oxygen
Okay so nothing equals nothing so after that you get nothing
Directional selection
Directional selection is a type of natural selection that favors one extreme phenotype of a genetic trait due to its survival and reproductive advantage to the individuals over another extreme phenotype and the intermediate phenotype.
In the given example, the thick-leaved plants are better adapted to a drier climate due to reduced water loss. Directional selection favored the plants with thick leaves which in turn produced more progeny. Over the generations, the population evolved into the one having more number of thick-leaved plants.
From smallest to largest they are: Asteroid, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, and then universe