The code to this question can be defined as follows:
sphere Volume = (4.0/3.0)*Pival*sphere Radius*sphere Radius*sphere Radius; // defining a double variable sphere Volume that calculate and hold its value
Answer: The Whiskey Rebellion was caused by a whiskey tax imposed by Congress in 1791. In 1788, the federal government and the state governments were still obligated to pay off debts resulting from the American Revolution (1775–83).
Genkhis Khan created Mongol empire which was world's second largest empire by area. While Mongol conquests were exceptionally bloody, after the conquests came , a century plus of relative peaces and prosperity. Large empire under stable rule eased communication (led to creation of world's first postal system) and unified administration helped to create commerce.
B. Nothing happens.
Nothing happens to the enzyme after an enzymatic reaction is complete.