The interest rate effect explains why the aggregate demand curve is downward sloping.
- The interest rate effect proposed by Keynes suggests the reasons for why is the aggregate demand curve downward sloping.
- It states that, when the interest rates are low, people choose to invest owing to the decreased costs of investment. This investment stimulates a drop in the levels of price.
- The dropped prices thus increase the aggregate demand for the commodities of which the price has dropped.
Based on the single tax rate schedule, of the additional $10,900 of taxable income, $9,000 is taxed at 15% (the increase $31,375 to $42,275) and the remaining $1,900 ($38,650 minus $37,650) is taxed at 25%. To summarize, ($9,000 × 15%) + ($1,900 × 25%)
= $1,350+$475
The income tax from second job increases her tax liability by $1,825.
Complete/Correct Question:
Intangible assets derived mostly from human capital are on the rise, according to the advisory firm Ocean Tomo. A study of the Standard and Poors' 500 index from 1975 to 2015 demonstrated a 17 percent increase in market value of intangible assets over this time period. Companies such as Stryker get 70 percent of its value from intangibles. Intangible assets are
A. equipment.
B. land.
C. money.
D. Non-physical.
D, Non physical
Intangible assets are assets that that cannot be seen with the eyes. That is, intangible assets are assets that are not physical in nature. This means that it can't be seen or touched, etc.
Intangible assets usually comprise of goodwill, brands, patents, etc.
In the case of the question, back in time, say the 20th century, managers or officers usually placed their concentration on tangible assets such as land, equipment, etc. But as time went on, intangible assets like they are mentioned above, intangible assets began to be considered.
Appellate court
Appellate courts hear and re-examine appeals from legal cases already heard and determined in a trial-level or other lower court. They are popularly referred to as appeals court, the court of appeals, or second instance court.
Appellate courts are present at both the federal and state levels. The primary purpose of the appellate court's is to ascertain whether or not the law was applied rightly in the lower court.
Small companies don't have middle management, so it is entirely appropriate for senior management to implement strategy and guide employees directly.
The purpose of management is nothing to do with power, but rather to create, plan and execute the vision and strategy of the organization through the workforce and technology.