new combinations means variations, and the more the variations there is of a species, the more diverse they are
5km/h but always changing direction
You list the references in order of the last name of the author. For instance a book by Zachary Adam would come before a book by Adam Zachary. (Just an example)
Adam, Zachary. "Works Cited Example 1." Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Zachary, Adam. "Works Cited Example 2." etc.
Differences in heating
The flow of air caused by <u>differences in heating </u>and the Coriolis effect creates distinct wind patterns on Earth's surface.
- <u>Movement of air or flow of air is caused by pressure or temperature differences and is experienced as wind.</u> When there is a pressure difference between two places, a pressure gradient exists, across which air moves from the region of high pressure to the region of low pressure.
- <em><u>Differences in temperature also causes movement of air or wind know as convection. The air flow caused by temperature difference is observed in the case of sea and land breezes, because of the difference in temperature between the sea and the land.</u></em>