Before the civil war, The first wave of migration took place between the period of 1609 to 1775. During this period many Europeans left their homes and came to America.
Further Explanation:
Many of the people who migrated were indentured servants. During this period of time, the migration from England was so much towards North American colonies that the population of these colonies rose from 250000 to 450000.
<u>After the Civil war, the majority of migrants that came to the United States were from Ireland and Germany.</u> The second wave of migration was from 1820 to 1870. Most of the migrants entered the territory of the United States through New York. In 1848, Gold was discovered in California and construction of railroads started in the year 1862 and the prospect of work in railroad projects brought Chinese immigrants to the United States.
<u>The difference between bot migration waves was that in the first migration wave, The people who migrated to the United States were under a contract of work of four to seven years just to pay the costs of their passage whereas, in the second wave of migration, People saw job opportunities in the United States. </u>
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Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Chapter: Migration Waves
Subject: History
Keywords: Migration, Migration Wave, United States, Ireland, Germany, Passage, Indenture, American Colonies, Railroads, Chinese, Immigrants.