Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.
//set header file
#include <iostream>
//set namespace
using namespace std;
//define class
class format
//set access modifier
//set string type variable
string res;
//define function
void names(string first_name, string last_name)
//set if-else if condition to check following conditions
if(first_name.length()>0 && last_name.length()>0)
res="Name: "+last_name+", "+first_name;
else if(first_name.length()>0 and last_name.length()==0)
res="Name: "+first_name;
else if(first_name.length()==0 and last_name.length()==0)
//define function to print result
void out(){
//define main method
int main() {
//set objects of the class
format ob,ob1,ob2;
//call functions through 1st object
//call functions through 2nd object
//call functions through 3rd object
ob2.names("", "");
Name: Morris, John
Name: Jhon
<u>Following are the description of the program</u>:
- Define class "format" and inside the class we define two void data type function.
- Define void data type function "names()" and pass two string data type arguments in its parameter "first_name" and "last_name" then, set the if-else conditional statement to check that if the variable 'first_name' is greater than 0 and 'last_name' is also greater than 0 then, the string "Name" and the following variables added to the variable "res". Then, set else if to check that if the variable 'first_name' is greater than 0 and 'last_name' is equal to 0 then, the string "Name" and the following variable "first_name" added to the variable "res".
- Define void data type function "out()" to print the results of the variable "res".
- Finally, we define main method to pass values and call that functions.
If the options are: <span><span><span>A.Socialism, </span><span>B.Liberalism, </span><span>C.Anarchism, </span>D.Conservatism, then the answer is D. Conservatism. I can see that some people have previously answered Anarchism. But it can't be the right answer because anarchism does not advocate either leftist or rightist politics - it advocates stateless politics. On the other hand, both left-wing and right-wing politics operate within the conventional field of states and governments. Now, communism is the extreme leftist position of egalitarianism, that is social equality, without private property. On the other hand, conservatism advocates social hierarchies and inequality as a natural order of society. Liberalism isn't the answer either because it isn't a rightist political option.</span></span>
C. Forms often provide special tools such as drop-down boxes for finding data.
Answer: Pascal case
The most of the professional coder use the standard pascal case for initialize the name of the class in the programming language. The pascal is basically use for writing the class name and each word must begin with the capital letter.
The pascal casing is one of the popular case styling in the programming language which is also known as pascal programming language.