Death of a Salesman explores the psychological chaos of the protagonist, the aptly-named Willy Loman, his belief in providing for his family and leaving a legacy behind after death, and the capitalist society's impact on his life. ... The aforementioned struggle to provide for his family drives Willy to his death.
he function of setting and atmosphere in Death of a Salesman correspond with one another to show the importance of the Loman household, the time period of the play, and Willy's flashbacks. ... He wishes that he could go back and live in that time period.
The term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom."
In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships with the world and with each other.
<h3>How does the excerpt reflect Rand's philosophy of Objectivism? </h3>
It reinforces the concept that man's responsibility is to create his reality.
It supports the idea that man is truly in control of his thoughts and actions.
For more information about philosophy, refer to the link:-
The allusion leads to the concept that he is almighty but he is also a loving and good god . And the meaning is from him being the creator of the lamb and the creator of us .