I believe heterotrophs are organisms that get their energy by eating other organisms. These organisms are also called predators
The answer to #2 Is a..biota is the life of "a" plant, or animal (etc.) of the particular region/habitat, etc.
Carrying capacity, or the greatest number of people that an environment can support over time without harming or degrading it, is controlled by a few basic factors: food supply, water availability, and space. Carrying capacity, or the greatest number of people that an environment can support over time without harming or degrading it, is controlled by a few basic factors: food supply, water availability, and space.
The correct answer is: The recessive allele produces a phenotype that is better able to survive and reproduce than the dominant phenotype.
Natural selection (adaptation mechanism), gene flow, and mutation combine to change allele frequencies across generations. Natural selection tends to increase in frequency beneficial alleles, while it tends to decrease in frequency deleterious alleles.
The appropriate response is hydrogen bonds. Fever is an adjust of gainful and destructive impacts. High fevers can have a tendency to skew the adjust toward the destructive.
The reality of the matter is that protein optional structure (generally hydrogen bonds) start to denature when moving toward 41 degC (106 degF), however energy likewise change. Energy is a quite major ordeal, even a little temperature move can altogether affect the speed of a response or connection.