The first 1 and the least one! :)
Because the US was afraid, they gave very little power to the central government.
What is the usual relationship between a country’s standard of living and literacy rate of that country? Usually the relationship between a country's standard of living and literacy rate directly relate to one another. When a country has a high standard of living, the literacy rate is also high because the norms are set to a higher standard. In society, everything relates to one another and because of one thing comes another outcome and so on.
Independence is the quality of being independent or free from outside-control.
Self-reliance is the ability to rely on one's own capabilities, you don't need to rely on anyone else.
The correct answer is "a lower-class culture of poverty".
According to Oscar Lewis, poverty is caused by a lower-class culture of poverty, while sociologist Julius Wilson suggests that poverty is caused by few available jobs, which led people with no way to earn money to live a proper life.
Self-Efficacy make us believe in ourself, and make us feel confident/capable in pursuing a certain goal.
Relevance makes us find something meaningful in the Goal that we want to achieve.
And Attitude make us more discipline in taking necessary actions to accomplish our Goal
All of these three factors are important in order to keep our motivation from burning out.