If the creator of this PSA wanted to encourage kids to read more by featuring an important fact or statistic about the benefit o
f reading, which would be the best fact or statistic to add? Research has found a direct link between the amount of time children read for pleasure and their academic reading achievement.
Statistics show that there are as many as 775 million adults who cannot read and write worldwide, 64 percent of whom are women.
It is estimated that only one-third of eighth graders and students entering high school are considered proficient in reading.
Students who read below grade level are twice as likely to drop out of high school than those who read at or above grade level.
The right answer is "Students who read below grade level are twice as likely to drop out of high school than those who read at or above grade level.
The explanation for this answer to be considered the correct alternative is that the question asks to show which of the alternatives presents a fact or statistic about the benefit of the reading, thus, this is the only alterative, among those that were exposed, that presents a benefit of reading. This benefit is the high probability of completing high school that students who have a habit of reading have.