As a result of new technology in the air and on the ground, the CHP’s airplanes and their crews have evolved from a primary function of traffic enforcement to assisting in crimes or incidents in progress like vehicle pursuits, DUIs, street racing and searches for missing persons or for suspects on foot hiding from police, said Officer Nick Fishbough, a pilot for the Central Division’s Air Operations.
Answer: Ways by which a party's contractual obligations can be terminated, or discharged include performance, the happening of a condition or its failure to occur, material breach by one or both parties, agreement of the parties, or operation of law.
Answer: First, courts will examine the statutory authority for an agency's action and will invalidate agency choices that exceed these limits. In addition, a court may examine an agency's discretionary decisions, or discrete actions with legal consequences for the public.
A party-line vote in a deliberative assembly (such as a constituent assembly, parliament, or legislature) is a vote in which a substantial majority of members of a political party vote the same way (usually in opposition to the other political party(ies) whose members vote the opposite way).