The legislative branch suffered as a result of the executive branch receiving an excessive amount of power.
It gave the federal government an excessive amount of authority at the expense of the state governments.
The national government's sweeping powers were not constrained by a bill of rights.
Together with the executive and judicial branches of power, the legislative branch is one of three branches of the federal government. It is primarily in charge of legislating. The legislative branch of the federal government, or Congress, which is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, is given specific authority under the United States Constitution. A legislative branch exists in each state of the union, and it functions similarly to the federal legislative branch. The federal legislative branch is described in the Constitution's Article I.
The Constitution grants a wide range of authority to the legislative branch, which includes the House and the Senate. Only the legislative branch has the authority to enact new laws or amend existing ones.
Learn more about legislative branch here
Monmouth university
west king branch,NJ
Michigan state university east lansing, MI
University of Massachusetts amherst amherst, MA
university of California- irvine
irvine, CA
Oregon state university
corvallis, OR
Answer:he can help his audience understand the concept further by defining example
An example explains and support your speech because people can actually grasp what you are talking about if you can give them examples otherwise your speech becomes an idea they can only understand in words but can not put into action or see practically.
Examples give weight to your speech cause it can grasp people's attention as they start to practically see what you are talking about.