I'd suggest he uses
LOOKUP Function.
You can use the LOOKUP function when you need to look in a
single column or row and find a value from the same position in a corresponding
column or row. We have a much improved VLOOKUP that can also be used to search
one row or column or multiple rows and columns.
The program is written using PYTHON SCRIPT below;
N=int(input(" Enter number of Rows you want:"))
M=[] # this for storing the matrix
for i in range(N):
l=list(map(int,input("Enter the "+str(i+1)+" Row :").split()))
print("The 2D Matrix is:\n")
for i in range(N):
W=[] # to store the first non zero elemnt index
T=[] # to store that value is positive or negative
for i in range(N):
for j in range(L):
if (M[i][j]==0):
W.append(j) # If the value is non zero append that postion to position list(W)
if(M[i][j]>0): #For checking it is positive or negative
print("The first Non Zero element List [W] : ",end="")
print("Positive or Negative List [T] : ",end="")
In order for the program to determine a set of test cases it takes in input of 2D matrix in an N numbet of rows.
It goes ahead to program and find the column index of the first non-zero value for each row in the matrix A, and also determines if that non-zero value is positive or negative. The If - Else conditions are met accordingly in running the program.
Your social media postings can help you secure a job too, not just it being effective in a bad way.
Your content can give hiring managers an overall idea of your personality, what you are passionate about, how you interact with people in group discussions and how previous colleagues feel about you through recommendations and so on. All of these give you an advantage in securing a job.
The correct answer to the following question will be "PRAM needs to be reset".
- It is commonly known as "Parameter Random Access Memory". It is a memory that is used to store the settings of the system of a Mac OS. These settings comprise of monitor settings, speaking settings, WI-FI settings, etc.
- So, according to the given case when the WI-FI icon shows that the system is connected to the internet but he is not able to browse the internet. In this case, he needs to reset the PRAM to browse the internet.
So that the above is the right answer.
1. Cloud Storage, such as dropbox or Google drive,
2. Network attached storage, where all your data is stored on a central NAS, and you can access it in Windows explorer or Mac Finder
3 Data on flash drive or on an external hard drive.