We have to convert 2% in to a decimal then multiply it into the x-value which is the months with the addition of 500 because that is the start value.If you were to graph this it would be a linear fuction, y=0.2x+500. The rate of change is found by slope, so rise over run. taking 2 points on the graph and do this
(y 2-y 1)/(x 2-x 1) and graph the equation and get two of the points and find the slope for the rate of change.
The measure of Angle ABD = measure of Angle ABC + measure of Angle CBD
therefore the side of the square is 2x + 5.
Step-by-step explanation:
i) let the side of the square be a
ii) therefore the perimeter of the square = 4a
iii) therefore 4a = 8x + 20
iv) therefore a = 2x + 5
therefore the side of the square is 2x + 5.
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As the radius of the circle is 5
You need to square this value for it to fit the equation
5^2 = 25
Thus, your answer would be option B
Have A Nice Day ❤
Stay Brainly! ヅ
- Ally ✧
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