Inevitably they got what they needed. After the Austrians lost the war the Austro-Hungarian Empire was disbanded. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was built up on 1 December 1918 and the Conference of Ambassadors in Paris gave worldwide acknowledgment to the union on 13 July 1922.
They by one means or another trusted that by removing the leader of the Austrian snake, they would accomplish the 'freedom' of Serbia. All things considered, that was the hypothesis, at any rate - what they truly got was a gigantic intrusion by Austria, and World War I.
unitary systems
and might be the us branches
A. The creation of a Bicameral legislature.
A. slaves were not citizens of the United States.
Dred Scott decision was a watershed decision ruled by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1857. A suit was filed in the court by Dred Scott demanding his freedom from slavery. He claimed that since his owner took him to free state Illinois from Missouri, and died there, Dred considered himself a free slave. But was brought back to slavery under Missouri Compromise Act. In 1857, the Chief Justice Roger B. Taney ruled that Dred Scott is a slave, and the term 'citizen' does not apply to slaves, therefore, none of the rights provided for citizens of the US apply to Dred Scott.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A.