to be able to use them for military use
e. after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine.
Partisan talk radio (radio that takes a clear side in a debate of ideology) only became common after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that argued that broadcasters needed to present information in a way that was "honest, equitable and balanced." The policy was eliminated in 1987.
The most notorious pattern shows that <em>those who are qualified to occupy a role of functional importance</em>, which is the degree to which a job is unique job and requires skill, <em>tend to earn more than those who support lesser functions. </em>
Whether only a few or many other people can perform the same function adequately is directly related to the expected proposed wage, meaning that the lesser the amount of qualified people that can successfully perform a task the greater the wage is expected to be.
Complete Python code with explanation and output results is given below
A function named mymin is created which takes two arguments as input str_1 and str_2. Then using if else conditions compare them and return the smallest of them alphabetically.
To test the code, we called the function mymin three times with different inputs and each time the function mymin returned the correct values.
Python Code:
Function mymin:
def mymin(str_1,str_2):
if str_1<str_2:
return print("Smallest is:",str_1)
return print("Smallest is:",str_2)
Test code:
Smallest is: Alpha
Smallest is: S
Smallest is: Monday
(Alphabetically Alpha comes first than Beta)
(Alphabetically S comes first than Z)
(Alphabetically Monday comes first than Wednesday)
Select all that apply: <em>Answers 1, 3, 5.</em>
Charlemagne was declared <em>"Emperor of the Romans" </em>on December 25, 800, and crowned by Pope Leo III after he help him when he was under attack by the Lombards. He gave money and supported by all means the popes and the Christian church.
He promoted art, literature, and architecture -the <em>Carolingian Renaissance</em>- and built schools, established centers of learning and expanded education throughout the territory.
He also created a library to copy <em>ancient and religious manuscripts</em> to keep ancient texts.