In mollusks with shells, the outer cells of the mantle secrete
calcium carbonate and conchiolin to form the shell. The mantle is the body wall
of a mollusk. It resides below the shell where it covers the body of the
Acceleration/ accelerating is how you are increasing speed. Speed as a whole is how fast something goes, acceleration is how something’s speed increases and by how much.
Answer: The desert animals do not get appreciable amount of water quantity to survive on daily basis instead their body mechanism tries to conserve water by concentrating urine.
The desert mammal like kangaroo rat produces hyper concentrated urine so as to conserve water. It is facilitated by extremely long loop of Henle in their nephron. The long loop of Henle increases the time and space for absorption of water and nutrients from the urine filtrate. Hence, urine so produced is more concentrate and conserve water. Moreover, the kangaroo rat consume their urine to survive in extreme hot desert condition in scarcity of water.
The set point is the normal, or target, value for something.
A child needs a beating heart to live, if not they cam't develop.