Mesophyll Cells
The mesophyll cells are the inside tissue of a plant which contain chloroplasts, and chloroplasts are by definition, found in green cells.
Digestion begins in the mouth with the process of chewing also known as mastication. Saliva in the mouth mixes with the food. saliva contains amylose. This breaks down sugar into smaller units of dextrins and maltose.
In the small intestine, the pancreas releases pancreatic juice which breaks down dextrins into smaller units.
the cells in the small intestine helps to transport the digested nutrients to the blood stream
Undigested food goes to the large intestine and eliminated in the stool
Weather change, the air density l, the way the animals are acting and satlities
Genetics comes with birth and is from previous ancestors. It's genetic code, also known as DNA. You are born with your genetics inherited from your parents.
If a person built a bridge that didn’t have water holes under it than the other side of the river would drought and kill all animals depending on that sorce of water