The term you are looking for is the "Articles of Confederation" adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1777 and ratified by the states in 1781. The Articles of Confederation were the first governing document for the United States.<span />
b. did not initially cover all categories of workers.
The American Social Security System was very different from what we know today, in its early years of establishment, during the New Deal. The main difference was that it did not cover all professional categories (which made it different from the European pension system). Professional categories were included in this system as the US economic condition strengthened through other New Deal reforms. This happened little by little, until it became what we know today.
In some states you can, but you can't do some things that 18 year-olds can like sign a lease or by a house until you are 18. One thing though if you do break the law you will be tried as an adult.
Ideology in Marxist thought (dialectical materialism) is a set of propositions elaborated, in bourgeois society, with the purpose of making the interests of the dominant class appear with the collective interest, building a hegemony of that class.
The left is characterized by the defense of greater social equality.
Concern for citizens who are considered to be at a disadvantage compared to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that must be reduced or abolished.