The element oxidized is the element in which the charge becomes more positive after the reaction, hence the reducing agent. The element that is reduced is the element or compound in which the charge becomes more negative after the reaction. Sn becomes +4 from +2. Hence Sn is the reduced element while Pb becomes +2 from +4 hence Pb is the element oxidized and PbCl4 is the reducing agent.
Answer :By the time thermal equilibrium is attained in the system, ice is completely converted to water.
What is tehrmal equilibrium?
Thermal equilibrium is a situation in which two substances are exactly at the same temperature. That is. Heat is no longer flowing beween the bodies.
Recall that an insulated thermos flask implies that heat does not eneter or leave the system. Heat will flow from the water to the ice untill the both attains the same temperature and the ice is completely converted to water.
Have a good day
The distance that the molecules move depends on their solubility in the solvent and the size of the molecules. Heavy molecules will travel slower and therefore travel a shorter distance in the time the chromatography is run.
We know from such things as felt tip pens that colourings can be soluble in different solvents. Water soluble felt pens have colours that are - well - water soluble. Permanent felt pens have colours that are insoluble in water but that are soluble in another solvent. This could well be alcohol.
The water soluble colours may also be soluble in alcohol. The solubility in alcohol will be different from the solubility in alcohol, and so the Rf value ( the distance travelled) will also be different.
Because of the complicated shapes of the colours, the colours may not have the same order in the Rf values in the different solvents.