A.) Education. That is always the first key to reducing risk as knowledge is our most powerful weapon.
Destructive relationships can influence your mental health in negative ways and the way you treat others while constructive relationships can improve your mental health and give you a more positive view on life
The harmful affects of tobacco are your body will have bad effects such as black lungs, smokers cough, your teeth can decay and you can even die due to tobacco. It messes you up mentally making you thing that you need tobacco all the time and making you addicted to tobacco. When the use of tobacco you could loss some good friends that you have and end up in the wrong group that you should not be in. Legal consequences to tobacco can be you getting a ticket for being caught with it but if you get caught selling to anyone under the ages of 21 you can get charges pressed against you and can end up with jail time! Hope this helps.
Answer:the liver is the main organ responsible for transforming alcohol into substances that your body can handle.