The Minoans use to import goods like wine, oil and pottery. In return, they received ivory and copper.
2. Summary: a man was going to Jerusalem and was attacked, robbed of his items, and beaten. A priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan man all came by one by one. The priest and Levite didn’t help but the Samaritan (who Jews didn’t like at all) helped him.
Moral: don’t judge someone because of where they are from. God uses many people to help us and works in mysterious ways.
4. The resurrection is important because without Christ’s resurrection our faith is futile as Saint Paul says. But also because it shows that Jesus was who He said He is: God in the flesh. By conquering death he fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and conquered sin and that Satan has no power over us anymore. This is why it is so important.
A laissez-faire government is the one that does not interfere with the economy.
- The French term laissez-faire literally means ‘let do‘. This can be elaborated as the freedom granted by the government to the free market to let it do what it wishes to do.
- In such type of government, the authorities choose not to interfere in the activities of the market so as to allow it to function without any kind of hindrance.
the answer is: change the word "transitional" to the word "sensory"
Sensory memory is the first place where we keep new information. We acquire new information through our five senses and transfer that information to the sensory memory, where the memory is kept for a really small window of time before transferred into short-term memory
Approximately, sensory memory could only sustain new information for around 0.2 - 0.5 seconds before transferring it to short -term memory,.