a) Teeth arose from the rough scales of ancestral sharks.
b) Skeletal developments leading to the amphibian movement onto land probably evolved from lobe-finned fishes.
d) The anterior gill arch formed the basis for the evolution of the vertebrate jaw.
The animals we know today have physical characteristics that are evolutionary adaptations of characteristics of their ancestors, which have undergone a series of evolutions and modifications over the years giving rise to new species that have resulted in the species we know today. This process of evolutions and adaptations also happened with the ancestral species of fish, which allowed that today, they had characteristics such as teeth and jaws. Many of these evolutions occurred even in different species, such as the evolution that allowed the amphibians to have a skeleton, which evolved from the spine fins of fish.
So first transcription takes place which is a RNA that translates DNA Template. So an example would be DNA has AGCGTCAATCTA this will be translated into UCGCAGUUAGAU
Then this message is send off to become a protein with the MRNA which then comes Translation which is the process of converting UCGCAGUUAGAU into a protein and the way it’s done is by this message going through a ribosome and gets translated by TRNA that brings amino acids together to form codons and create your protein.
The cells analyzed might be a mosaic of different genomes
The human genome in every cell might not be the same and could give us some misrepresentation of what really happens on our genome. Chromosomal abnormalities are also a very common phenomena to be observed in human cells. For those differences in the genome of the child the test might have identified some altered cells with a type of chromosomal abnormality which was not latter identified or the abnormal cell might be also eliminated by its abnormal nature.
Some arteries carry oxygenated blood just as some capillaries do.
Some veins carry deoxygenated blood just like some capillaries do.
The answer is D hope this helps