answer is antibodies.
B cells are a type of lymphocytes and it is responsible for the immune system. B cells help to protect body by producing specific antibodies to fight against each antigen which are strangers to the body specially for viral infections.
The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth's solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over the asthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle. Oceanic and continental plates come together, spread apart, and interact at boundaries all over the planet. It was proposed by Alfred Wegener.
The system is called Taxonomy and was made by Swedish botanist Carlous Linnaeus
Kinase-connected receptors or receptor tyro-sine kinases react for the most part to protein and chemical go between. A solitary trans membrane helix interfaces the extracellular restricting area to the intra-cellular space. e.g. insulin, development factors. The official of the ligand triggers the commencement of a few succession of occasions related with phosphorylation of proteins, this is called protein kinase course.
For instance, the official of development hormone to the receptor in the plasma layer causes dimerization (by the actuation of Janus kinase 2, JAK2) of the receptor (conformation change) that bring about auto-phosphorylation of tyro-sine buildups. The official of SH2-space (src homology) protein (Grb-2) to the phosphorylated tyro-sine buildups invigorates cell development through a course of protein phosphorylation.
a). RTKs are the trans-membrane receptors, which have a ligand restricting site on the extracellular area and tyro-sine authoritative on the intra-cellular space. In the event that it comes up short on the extracellular area, the ligand can't tie to the receptor site, so no cell reaction happens.
b). On the off chance that it does not have the intra-cellular space, the ligand can tie to the receptor site, the receptor can't impart signs tot eh intra-cellular area because of the absence of intra-cellular space.