<span>Python is Highly case sensitive language. We can use > , < , <= , <= , == , != to compare two strings. Python compares string using ASCII value of the characters.
For example name as "MIDHUN" and name1 as "Midhun" . The first two characters from name and name1 ( M and M ) are compared. As they are equal, the second two characters are compared. Since the ASCII values are not equal the result is not equal.</span>
according to the climate person health changes, dress form changes and eating also changes
Because DNA molecules are extremely long.
DNA molecule is made up of only four types of nucleotides that are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. These four types of nucleotide encode all the information necessary for the formation and working of the entire organism because each DNA strand is as long as 2 meter which contains millions of base pairs.
The four nucleotides are arranged in the DNA strand with many different combinations which results in the formation of codons sequence that contains all the information about the cell. This long DNA is compressed several times to fit in the nucleus.