Resistance stage of the general
adaptation syndrome (gas)
Resistance stage is the second
stage in which the body goes through series of changes while trying to resist
or adapt to the stressor. For the question given above, according to Hans Selye,
Katie is currently in the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome
The nucleus is important to a living cell because <span> it serves the function of information storage, retrieval and duplication of genetic information. It is a double membrane‐bound organelle that harbours the genetic material in the form of chromatin.</span>
<span>Roan is a combination of white hairs with red hairs. When we see cattle like this, they look pink because it resulted from a mix of white and red.
Red allele: A
White allele: a
<span>A heterozygotic animal has this genotype: Aa
Like i said previously this is the mixture of colors so the animal would be pink.
A red coat color has this genotype: AA
A white coat color has this genotype: aa
To get all the herd to be</span><span> roan-colored cattle the combination of parents should be: AA x aa. -> 100% roan
Another possible way to obtain would be</span><span>roan-colored cattle: Aa x Aa or aa x Aa (in this case there would be less probabable to obtain road).</span>
where are the choices????
1.The pleural cavity aids optimal functioning of the lugs during breathing. It transmits movements of the chest wall to the lungs, particularly during heavy breathing. The closely approved chest wall transmits pressures to the visceral pleural surface and hence to the lung (10-19.
2.The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the major muscle of respiration. It is a large, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continually, and most of the time, involuntarily. Upon inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens and the chest cavity enlarge.