Fire extinguishers, emergency showers and eye wash stations are basic safety elements that must be present in all laboratories, regardless of their classification. This is because these are essential elements for common accidents in laboratories and can be easily solved with their presence.
Although more offsprings are produced by the process of external fertilization but the process of internal fertilization is more efficient as compared to external fertilization. This is because, in external fertilization, it is more difficult for the sperm to find the egg and fertilize it. Even after fertilization, it might be that the zygote gets eaten up by a predator. There are none such risks in internal fertilization. The zygote is protected during the internal fertilization which makes this process more efficient.
No, the sickle-cell anemia allele won't be eliminated by natural selection.
Sickle-cell anemia trait is controlled by a single gene and the allele (S) for sickle-cell anemia is a harmful autosomal recessive.
It is caused by a mutation in the normal allele (A) for hemoglobin (a protein on red blood cells).
Heterozygotes (AS) with the sickle-cell allele are resistant to malaria, a deadly tropical disease. It is common in many African populations.
In these areas, (S) carriers have been naturally selected, because their red blood cells, containing some abnormal hemoglobin, tend to be in sickle shape when they are infected by the malarial parasite.
Therefore, they are more likely to survive and reproduce. This keeps the S allele in the gene pool.
Learn more about Sickle-cell anemia on
To calculate life expectancy you need to know how much the disease severity, risk factor the patient had and the complication that already occurs. In general, 90% of stage IV sarcoidosis patient will survive in 5 years, and 80% will survive for 15 years.
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