Virbrant energy it is used also make glucose
Therefore, a 10x eyepiece used with a 40X objective lens, will produce a magnification of 400X. The naked eye can now view the specimen at a magnification 400 times greater and so microscopic details are revealed. More on objective lenses here. Magnification is the ability to view an object as larger.
For example, a forest of trees and undergrowth plants, inhabited by animals and rooted in soil containing bacteria and fungi, constitutes a biological community. A brief treatment of biological communities follows. ... The various species in a community each occupy their own ecological niche.
B. Subgroups
<span>When constructing a dichotomous key, the first step is to look at the group of objects or organisms and separate them into two groups based on a single distinguishing characteristic. Then continue to separate each of the groups until each object has its own separate set of characteristics.</span>
The cell interior would experience higher than normal Na+ concentrations and lower than normal K+ concentrations.
The Na/⁺K⁺ pump is an ATPase pump which is responsible for maintaining low Na⁺ and high K⁺ concentrations within the cytoplasm while maintaining high Na⁺ and low K⁺ concentrations in the extracellular fluid.
Since these two ions are moved against their concentration gradient, ATP hydrolysis is required to provide the energy for this process. This is done by moving in two K⁺ ions inside while moving three Na⁺ ions outside the cell for every molecule of ATP hydrolysed to ADP and Pi.
If a competitive non-hydrolyzable analog of ATP is applied on the cytoplasmic side of a plasma membrane that contained a large concentration of the Na/⁺K⁺ pump, it will act by inhibiting the action of the Na/⁺K⁺ pump. This will result in an accumulation of Na⁺ ions inside the cell and lower than normal K⁺ ions concentration.