Unit conversions will almost always fall into a division or multiplication problem. In this case we are being asked to convert a smaller unit to a larger one, so it will be a division problem.
The standard metric goes on the bottom of the fraction always, so 10/16 or 10÷16 is the problem.
10÷16= .625 pounds of cheese.
M= y2-y1/x2-x1
Make sure you put it in the form
Hope this helps!!:))
I think the answer is 12 because 3 times 4 is 12

Domain: x² - 4 ≠ 0
+ 4 + 4
x² ≠ 4
√x² ≠ √4
x ≠ ±2
x ≠ -2 and x ≠ 2
(-∞, -2) ∨ (-2, 2) ∨ (2, ∞)
Range: y ≠ 1
(-∞, 1) ∨ (1, ∞)
Intervals: Increasing: (0.25 , ∞)
Decreasing: (-∞, 0.25)
Symmetry: X-axis: Not Symmetric
Y-axis: Not Symmetric
Origin: Not Symmteric
Extrema: Maximum Relative: x = 0
Minimum Relative: Nothing
Step-by-step explanation:
they both equal 360 degrees