Yes, this was true. It is said that Osman dreamed about a tree growing out of his chest reaching to all those 3 continents. He relied to his Shaykh on what this meant, and his Shaykh told him it was a sign from his predecessors.
The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown.
James Madison wrote the amendments, which list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties. ... Anti-Federalists held that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty.
Buddhism appeared in the sixth century and rivaled hinduism
<span> The U.S. sent George Custer on the </span>Black Hills <span>Expedition to select a new place for an Army fort and to search for the area's natural resources.</span>